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Can you read braille?

Want a free glass?
Do you read braille, or know someone who does?
Since our glasses are engraved with sand - and you can feel the etch when you run your fingers over it - we had this *wild hair of an idea* to add a design written in braille to our collection.

If you read braille, we'd love to send you a glass!
We think folks would love a braille design - but we need some testing help.
If you read braille, we'd love to send you a glass!

Here's the deal -
we'll send you a free glass with the braille design that's yours to keep.

In return,
you agree to send us a video of the braille-reader
interacting with the design for the first time.

We trust you'll let us know if our design is legible & comfortable for the reader.
Just send an email to hello@bevvee.com with the subject line "Braille Reader"
& we'll send you a FREE glass for your expert review.

Thank you for your time!

- The Bevvee Crew

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